Another command frequently being used.
chmod -R 666 httpdocs
command + recursive switch + permission number + directory that you want the permissions for all files and sub-directories to be effected by the command.
Another command frequently being used.
chmod -R 666 httpdocs
command + recursive switch + permission number + directory that you want the permissions for all files and sub-directories to be effected by the command.
This always happens and everytime it does I spend time looking for the fix. When MS Virtual Server get shut down due to powere outage etc. The virtual server loses it’s network card. When I try to add it back the only thing in the drop-down is “not connected”.
Here’s the trick.
Go to Virtual Network >> Add – this is where you can add the physical card back to the virtual server.
Go to MBDealer site > Product Database
For fields choose – MBNumber, Title, Best Seller, UPC, ISNB13, MediaType, Price, ByLine, DifOverall, PubDate, Description.
Get Data
Right click and save generated Txt file to hard drive.
Open in Excel – Text Import Wizard > Delimited> Tab>
Change the following columns to Text instead of General
**Important leave Description as General
Insert two columns after Product ID
In the first column enter *space BW.tif and then drag the value to the end of the column
In the next column use a Concatenate function to combine ProductID + BW.tif
If this doesn’t work as expected check that the format for the Concatenating column is General
Drag the value to the end of the column to create the image name
Save as a CSV format file
This ones hard to find. So here’s a handy reference.
Go to Menu Manager > Main Menu > Menu Items
Edit Home
Open up the Parameters (System) And make changes.
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘databasename’);
/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘databaseUserCreated4thisDomain’);
/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password’);
/** MySQL hostname */
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);
In Plesk:
Home>>Domains>>(select domain of master site)>> Domain Aliases – put in the name of the new joomla site
Log into the Joomla Master Site Admin >> Components >> Multi Sites >> Manage Sites >> New
Fill out Site DetailsĀ property sheet and Save
Goto Joomla install page via the alias created for the master Domain
Follow prompts until database page. Enter info for Master database. Important! click the Advanced button and change from the default prefix jom_ to another name.
To enable SOAP for PHP5
Login via SSH and run:
yum -y install php-soap
Then restart Apache:
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
To document my steps…
Do not change the name of the configuration.php before starting the install from the Joomla site because the install will view this as already being installed and will prompt for deleting of the install folder on the site.
I’m starting this blog to document my IT experiences of deploying WordPress & Joomla on LAMP after spending years working in the Microsoft world.
I’m currently having an issue with getting Joomla components installed. This I believe is caused by having the site manged with a Plesk server interface. I’m using Plesk version 9.
I’ve been working with our host Sectorlink, who have helpfully suggested that I Google the problem. Of course I’ve been doing this for sometime. Not helpful.
One thing about Plesk that makes troubleshooting this issue difficult is that there are two php.ini files.
I found on
the way to determine which of these files the site is using.
php -i phpinfo | grep 'Configuration File'
The answer returned was…
[root@host /]# php -i phpinfo | grep ‘Configuration File’
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php.ini